What we believe about...
*The Bible:
-We believe the bible (Old and New Testament) is inspired by God and is free from any error or contamination. We believe the bible is profitable for all men, at all times, in every situation of life. We believe the bible is to be used to determine what is right and wrong, moral and immoral, etc. The bible is our final authority in all matters pertaining to mankind. We choose to use the King James Version of the bible in all Sunday School classes and from the pulpit of Grace Baptist Church.
-We believe that there is only one true God. We believe in a triune God consisting of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Among other things, we believe that God is holy, righteous, loving, forgiving, and one that judges sin.
-We believe Satan is a real being who was expelled from heaven when he chose to rebel against God and his authority. We believe that Satan and his demons stand in opposition to all things godly and seeks to destroy the lives of all men, women, and children.
-We believe in the Genesis account of creation. As a result, we believe God created this world in six (6) literal, 24 hour days. We believe God spoke all things into existence. We do not accept any tenant of evolution to be a credible explanation for mans existence.
-We believe that all men, women and children are sinners. We believe that the sin of mankind separates us from God.
-We believe that salvation is a gift from God that is freely offered to all mankind through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary that took place almost 2,000 yrs ago. We do not accept that there are multiple paths to salvation. In order to be saved, man must be willing to admit their sin, see their need of salvation, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. We believe that true salvation involves repentance and will be manifest by a changed way of life. We do not believe a person can "fall from grace" or "lose" their salvation.
-We believe holy living should be the desire and goal of every saved person. Holiness is expected of the believer because we serve a holy God. To be holy simply means that we are spiritually pure and free from contamination. While our sinful flesh will keep us from obtaining perfection on this earth, we should strive to do what is right, according to the scripture in all areas of life, at all times.
-We believe that the only marriage God approves of is a marriage between one man and one woman. While we love those who may be involved in gay or lesbian relationships, we do not believe their lifestyle or relationships are acceptable in the sight of God and we will not allow those living in such a relationship to be a member of our church. Also, under no circumstance, will marriage ceremonies be performed in this church, or by members of this church, for those engaged in a gay or lesbian lifestyle.
-We believe that in a biblical marriage, both the husband and wife will see their God given role in the relationship and will strive to be obedient to that role. While the husband is not to be a domineering dictator in the marriage, we believe he is to strive to be the biblical leader of his home. And, while the wife is not expected to be overlooked and abused by her husband, we do believe she was created to be a helpmeet to her husband and should afford her husband the ability to lead the family in the ways he deems best, according to God's word. We believe marriage was intended, by God, to last until separated by death. We believe a strong, godly marriage requires dedication and determination from both spouses and divorce should never be considered as an 'easy option' to end a marriage. Should divorce take place, we believe in a loving, forgiving God that can heal and restore lives.
(Please Note: It is the policy of our pastor to decline request as it relates to performing wedding ceremonies for ANY/ALL couple(s) that he does not know personally and does not believe the union to be God-honoring. It is also the policy of our church to decline ALL request as it relates to the rental of our church facilities for wedding ceremonies. The church is only available to active members who are in a good standing with the church.)
-We believe that children are a gift from God. We believe it is a great responsibility to be entrusted with children. As such, we believe it is of utmost importance that we, as parents, train our children according to the truths of God's word.
-We believe that any and all forms of promiscuity and immorality should be abstained from. We believe total abstinence, until married, is God's plan for single men and women.
-We believe that scripture teaches men and women to obey those who have the rule over us. While government may require compliance to laws that we do not appreciate, agree with, or enjoy, our leaders have been given to us by God. The only exception to this statement is when government would require us to disobey the clear teachings of God's word. Should that occur, we believe it is better to obey God rather than man.
-We believe the church was established while Christ was on the earth. We believe it is through the church that the world is to be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that it is through the church that men and women are to serve and exercise the spiritual gifts they have been given by God. While we believe in the body of Christ, we do not believe in an invisible church. We believe in local, visible churches.
-We believe that it is Gods desire and plan that all men should hear the gospel. Because of this, Christ gave what is often referred to as 'The Great Commission" to his disciples. While not all believers are able to go to other regions/countries and tell others about Christ; God has called some men and women to do just that. We believe it is the role of every believer to be a "missionary" wherever God has them, and in relation to all other forms of mission work, we should be actively involved in praying for missionaries and giving of our finances to help support the financial needs they have.
*Heaven and Hell
-We believe that heaven is a real place where God abides. We believe that heaven is reserved for those who have accepted the gift of salvation that was made available to all men, women and children through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross almost 2,000 yrs ago. We believe that all those who have accepted the gift of salvation will spend eternity in heaven.
-We believe that hell is a real place where Satan and his demons will one day be cast, eternally. Unfortunately, we also believe that all those who have rejected the gift of salvation will also spend eternity in hell when they die. We do not believe hell was created for mankind, but because of man's sin and rejection of God, this will be their punishment. We believe hell will be a place of fire and a place of indescribable torment.
*End Times
-We believe that at the choosing of God, Jesus Christ will return to this world and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then those Christians which are alive and remain on this earth will be caught up in the air to begin eternity in heaven with God. We believe there will be a time of tribulation on this earth and we believe our world will one day be destroyed by God. It is impossible to state our entire position on end times on this page; however, we do believe in the book of Revelation and supporting passages throughout the scripture which teach our world will one day end.
**As you can imagine, it is impossible to list every doctrine we hold to on a single website page. Because of this, if you would like to know more of what we believe and the scriptural basis for those beliefs, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.